【在线】2024 欧洲国际模拟联合国大会中国峰会 - 阿思丹(ASDAN China)—中国领先的国际素质教育平台

    2024.04.18 | admin | 28次围观
    【在线】2024 欧洲国际模拟联合国大会中国峰会 - 阿思丹(ASDAN China)—中国领先的国际素质教育平台

      Distinguished Delegates,

      It is our utmost pleasure to welcome you to the first edition of the TEIMUN China Conference, organised jointly by The European International Model United Nations (TEIMUN) Foundation in collaboration with ASDAN China!

      The theme for this year's conference is "Moving Forward: Fostering Development in a Globalising World". In a world characterised by increasing interconnectedness and fast-travelling information flows, promoting development has become increasingly important in order to ensure uniform progress and that no one is left behind. As the COVID-19 pandemic greatly exacerbated levels of inequality, the theme seeks to address how fostering development can ensure that global citizens are equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding to

      navigate this highly dynamic landscape.

      The chosen committee topics are compelling in view of the new economic realities and kept broad without sacrificing the complexity to ignite and sustain high-quality debates. We are confident that you will manage to excel in the debate and exceed our expectations!

      The TEIMUN Foundation, together with ASDAN China, endevours to create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere where you can evolve academically and create lifelong connections. It is our strong belief that MUN conferences represent more than just awards or competition –they are a great opportunity to interact with people who share the same passions as you, to go beyond your limits, and to think outside the box. While it may seem daunting for first-time MUNers, rest assured, we, alongside the Chairing team, will follow you on this academic journey and assist you through what we hope will be one of the most exquisite experiences of your Model United Nations career!

      With that, we are eagerly looking forward to seeing you at TEIMUN China 2024 and are looking forward to accompanying you on your MUN journey!

      The TEIMUN Secretariat


